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Codeigniter - select where id not in (another query result)

I'm working into a hotel booking system, currently I'm trying to select available rooms (not reserved).

Rooms DB Structure:


This is my current code:

function searchFreeRooms($data){
  $check_in = $data['fields']['check_in'];
  $check_out = $data['fields']['check_out'];
  $this->db->where("id NOT IN (select rooms,total_guests from res_hotel where check_in <= '$check_in' AND check_out >= '$check_in' OR check_in <= '$check_out' AND check_out >= '$check_out' OR check_in >= '$check_in' AND check_out <= '$check_out' ) ");
  $query = $this->db->get();
  return $query->result();

A user can book many rooms in one time, and reserved room id's are stored in column "ROOMS" seperated with commas ex: 2, 3, 5

In my front, room that exist in this column should not be displayed but I'm having trouble because only first id(room) before comma is selected, example: 2,3,5 > only 2 is selected and 3,5 still are displayed in my front.

Problem is here: $this->db->where("id NOT IN (select rooms,total_guests from res_hotel where check_in <= '$check_in' AND check_out >= '$check_in' OR check_in <= '$check_out' AND check_out >= '$check_out' OR check_in >= '$check_in' AND check_out <= '$check_out' ) ");

I tried this: $this->db->where("id NOT IN (1, 2) "); and it works perfectly but not upper method with second query.

Sorry for my english...

Many thanks to all those who can help!

Finally with all your help I've fixed my problem!

Working code:

function searchFreeRooms($data){
  $check_in = $data['fields']['check_in'];
  $check_out = $data['fields']['check_out'];
  $query1 = $this->db->query("select rooms from res_hotel where (check_in <= '$check_in' AND check_out >= '$check_in') OR (check_in <= '$check_out' AND check_out >= '$check_out') OR (check_in >= '$check_in' AND check_out <= '$check_out' )");
  $query1_result = $query1->result();
  $room_id= array();
  foreach($query1_result as $row){
     $room_id[] = $row->rooms;
  $room = implode(",",$room_id);
  $ids = explode(",", $room);
  $this->db->where_not_in('id', $ids);
  $query = $this->db->get();
  return $query->result();

Thanks a lot!


   $this->db->where("id NOT IN (select rooms,total_guests from res_hotel where (check_in <= '$check_in' AND check_out >= '$check_in') OR (check_in <= '$check_out' AND check_out >= '$check_out') OR (check_in >= '$check_in' AND check_out <= '$check_out' ) ) ");

Here is the solution to your problem. Hope this help:

function searchFreeRooms($data){
  $check_in = $data['fields']['check_in'];
  $check_out = $data['fields']['check_out'];

  $query1 = $this->db->query("select rooms from res_hotel where check_in <= '".$check_in."' AND check_out >= '".$check_in."' OR check_in <= '".$check_out."' AND check_out >= '".$check_out."' OR check_in >= '".$check_in."' AND check_out <= '".$check_out."'")->result_array();
  $room_id= array();
  foreach($query1 as $row){
     $room_id[] = $row->rooms;
  $room = implode(",",$room_id);

  $query = $this->db->query("select * from rooms where id not in (".$room.")");

      return $query->result();
$result = $this->db->select('room')

    foreach($result as $item) {
        $array[] = $item['id'];         
    $a = implode(',', $array);

$this->where_not_in('id', $a);

do something like this.

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