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How to add dynamic sort by direction to NHibernate queryover

I am trying to add dynamic order by direction to my nhibernate queryover. Can anyone help how to do this? I was able to add dynamic orderby field. but dont know how to do the order by direction. Please find below my code:

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortField))
        var sortByProperty = Helper.GetSortByProperty(sortField);
        if (sortByProperty != null)
            query.OrderBy(x => sortByProperty.GetValue(x, null));

    var result = query.Skip(pageIndex*pageSize)

The way I have done this is, passing in a ListSortDirection type variable to the function that is doing the query.

So then you could apply the

  • OrderBy() which:

Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order according to a key.

  • OrderByDescending() which:

Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order according to a key.

on your IQueryable<T> depending on the values from ListSortDirection.Ascending or ListSortDirection.Descending .

As requested by OP in comments, added sample generic code:

public IList<T> GetEntityList<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> whereExpression, Expression<Func<T, object>> orderByExpression, ListSortDirection orderDirection, int totalPages, int start, int limit)
    IList<T> returnVar;
    using (var session = _nhibernate.OpenSession())
        var firstQueryable = session.Query<T>().Where(whereExpression);

        IQueryable<T> secondQueryable = orderDirection == ListSortDirection.Ascending ? firstQueryable.OrderBy(orderByExpression) : firstQueryable.OrderByDescending(orderByExpression);

        returnVar = totalPages > 0 ? secondQueryable.Skip(start).Take(limit).ToList() : secondQueryable.ToList();    

    return returnVar;

To address another question in comment from OP, for the QueryOver API, for instance you can use the .OrderBy(orderByExpression).Desc for reverse sorting.

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