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Travis CI Build failure with JDK 1.8.60, Maven 3.1.1 and maven-plugin-plugin

I keep getting a build failure on this pull request . Even if I downgrade maven-plugin-plugin to 3.2 or upgrade to the latest 3.4, I keep getting this error :

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugin-plugin:3.3:helpmojo (help-goal) on project liquigraph-maven-plugin: Error extracting plugin descriptor: 'Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream' -> [Help 1]

It seems to be OS-dependent (my laptop as aligned to the same Maven version and JDK, no luck).

What can I do to solve this?

Try the following, hope anyone of them would solve your build issue. Try one step at a time and do a build

1) Delete the org.apache.maven.plugins from (~/.m2/repository)

2) Check for the jar which is causing the failure, if it is there in the (~/.m2/repository) then run mvn clean install -o "o" is for offline mode.

3) Try hitting the url of the jar which is failing to download thru browser, if it works then download the jar and paste it in the respective package under (~/.m2/repository) then run a build in offline mode.

4) mvn clean install -e This will give clean stack trace.

If still problem exists post the stack trace here by running the command given in step 4

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