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Create an Unit Test for Generic Method

I have the following class:

public class Range<T> where T : IComparable<T> {

  public T Minimum { get; set; }
  public T Maximum { get; set; }

  public Range(T minimum, T maximum) {
    Minimum = minimum;
    Maximum = maximum;

  public Boolean Contains(T value) {
    return (Minimum.CompareTo(value) <= 0) && (value.CompareTo(Maximum) <= 0);


I am using XUnit to create my Unit Tests ...

How should I test the Contains method that has T?

As has been stated, you could test it with an int which might look something like this:

var range = new Range<int>(minimum: 3, maximum: 7);

You need to create an instance of an IComparable and for thoroughness (true unit testing) I would suggest a mocking library with the ability to verify calls. I would probably use something like Moq. You will need an object that implements the interface, which you might have already or you could create a test one with no actual implemetation.

public class YourObject : IComparable<YourObject>
  public virtual int CompareTo(YourObject other)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

I would make a subtle change your Range code just a bit for consistency:

public class Range<T> where T : IComparable<T>

  public T Minimum { get; set; }
  public T Maximum { get; set; }

  public Range(T minimum, T maximum)
    Minimum = minimum;
    Maximum = maximum;

  public Boolean Contains(T value)
    return (Minimum.CompareTo(value) <= 0) && (Maximum.CompareTo(value) >= 0);

The end result is identical but it makes things a bit easier while setting up the mocks. Or you could go with value.CompareTo on both accounts. Either way it would add a little more consistency.

The test code would look a little like this:

  var min = new Mock<YourObject>();
  var max = new Mock<YourObject>();
  var val = new Mock<YourObject>();

  var range = new Range<YourObject>(min.Object, max.Object);

  min.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(-1);
  max.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(1);

  min.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(0);
  max.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(1);

  min.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(-1);
  max.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(0);

  min.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(1);
  max.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(1);

  min.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(-1);
  max.Setup(m => m.CompareTo(It.IsAny<YourObject>())).Returns(-1);

Now you are testing your Range class's Contains method and not the object's ability to return the correct value when it's CompareTo is called.

Happy Coding!

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