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Setting precision of floating point number

Hello guys I am new in C++ I am trying to write the function to calculate the second moment of inertia and set the precision with 3 decimal places. In the output does not apply the 3 decimal places in the first call but the following 4 calls does applied. Here is my codes , please help me find the error and if possible please explain some details thank you very much !

double beamMoment(double b, double h) //the function that calculating the second moment of inertia
    double I;  //variables b=base, h=height, I= second moment of inertia

    I = b * (pow(h, 3.0) / 12); // formular of the second momeent of inertia

    ofs << "b=" << b << "," << "h=" << h << "," << "I="  << I  << setprecision(3) << fixed <<  endl;
    ofs << endl;

    return I;


int main()
    beamMoment(33, 66);
    beamMoment(44, 88);
    beamMoment(26, 51);
    beamMoment(7, 19);
    return 0;

The output in my text file is as follow :






You have to set stream precision before printing a number.

ofs << 5.5555 << setprecision(3) << endl; // prints "5.5555"
ofs << setprecision(3) << 5.5555 << endl; // prints "5.555"

Stream operators << and >> are, in fact, methods that can be chained. Let's say we have a piece of example java code like:


In C++, if we'd use stream operators, it'd look like:

dog << walk << stopByTheTree << pee;

Operations on dog objects are executed from left to right, and the direction of "arrows" doesn't matter. These method names are just syntactic sugar.

Look here for more details.

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