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Passing encoded variable from php and decoding in javascript?

I have a very ugly piece of code in php that does something like this:

for ($i = 0; $i <= ($fi_int-1); $i++) {
        $song_uri = urlencode($songs[$i]);

        echo "URI: " . $song_uri . "<br>";
        echo "<li><a href='#' onclick='PlaySong(".$song_uri.")'>" . $songs[$i] . "</li><br>";

Now when PlaySong() is being called, this happens:


            function PlaySong(title) {
                title = decodeURIcomponent(title));
                document.getElementById("player").src = "./mp3/" + title;


The current problem is when $songs[$i] is being passed to PlaySong(), it looks like that right away:

PlaySong(Name+Of+The+Song+-+Artist+LastName+blah) {

So JS obviously has a problem with it. It tries to add things, because there are pluses... Now how can I convert that mess to string right when it comes in? Or is there a better way to do it? I'm sure there is but this ugliness is strictly for me, so I don't care too much about fast performance :)

You need some quotes around the song_uri string. I can't paste code on mobile... but the php should output like this

Onclick="PlaySong ('this+song')"

At the moment you've got it doing

Onclick="PlaySong(this+song)" and the argument isn't being treated as a string

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