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Decompiling .exe files using CodeReflect

I have one silly question that I decided to ask here since Google didn't provide an explanation (or I am using wrong terms, which most likely is the case) and people here have proven to be really helpful before.

Let's say we have 2 different .exe files and I use CodeReflect to view the contents of both files.

  1. First file here, it seems quite normal and easy to read. Nothing wrong with this one.


  1. Second file which makes zero sense to me. I have no idea what's up with this, lots of random characters everywhere. Is this .exe file encrypted or something or why does it look so different? If it's encrypted, is there a simple way to attempt decrypting it?

This one confuses me a lot, I'd really appreciate to get an explanation to this. 文件2

Thanks in advance.

This is an obfuscation .
It usually helps to fight agains reverse engineers.
You can try to deobfuscate application with this: http://de4dot.com

UPD: And it was probably obfuscated with ConfuserEx v1 because I see 'ConfusedByAtrribute' element.

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