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Camel With Cxf and Routing

I was doing some research on Camel - CXf integration and am confused about the below scenario.

So i implemented a Rest Endpoint

public interface Sample {
public Response handshake();

public Response login(LoginRequest request) throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException;

And the implementation as below

public class SampleImpl implements Sample{

private HttpHeaders headers;

CamelContext context;

public Response handshake()
    System.out.println("HandShake Executed Successfully");
    return Response.status(Status.OK).entity("This is a Message after Routing").build();

public Response login(LoginRequest request) throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
    System.out.println("The Rquest objecr is Received "+request);
    return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(mapper.writeValueAsString(request)).build();


The Route

<camel:from uri="cxfrs:bean:SampleRestEndPoint?bindingStyle=SimpleConsumer"></camel:from>

routes it into the implementation. But since the implementation returns a response object am confused how to build the routes around this.

  1. Once the call comes into the implementation how can I execute the other routes and sent a response back?.In this case the implementation returns a custom object.
  2. How are the other routes attached to a CXF route?.
  3. Should my CXF Implemenation always return a void type?. As i see that, to get access to Exchange object camel need the return type to be void
  4. Do I completely ignore the implementation and go with the "to" steps and modify it in exchange body for the required response?.

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Dude, take a look at this - http://bushorn.com/camel-cxf-geocoder-example/

The above example is not REST though, but usage of CXF with Camel route is same.

I will do these mandatory steps:

  1. Avoid beans/custom classes - try to use the camel framework capabilities.

  2. Use XML - Spring/Blueprint DSL

Please look at the following thread.

Apache Camel and web services

I have successfully implemented web service consumption using camel and Apache CXF. If you have doubts, I can help you out.

Thanks, Gautham

@GauthamHonnavara - that is an implementation of a JS webservice with an assosiated processor however it doesnt assosiate any direct route to the endpoint.Also my question was specific to JAX-RS where you cannot generate a service class from wsdl.

Assume this use case that u need a customer to invoke the endpoint and then go through say another 5 steps, reach out to another webservice etc and then sent a response back. The above implementation sents a response back in the webservice implementation bean itself.

So to avoid this create a simple interface with the producer consumer etc, just like in my question and then make each method void if you want to inject the Exchange( if needed. ) and use below configuration

<!-- Created the CXF End Point For the  Calls to Come IN -->
<cxf:rsServer id="RestEndPoint" address="/rest"
    loggingFeatureEnabled="true" loggingSizeLimit="20">
        <bean class="org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider" >
            <!-- <constructor-arg ref="customObjectMapper" type="org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper"/> -->

Trick is to use the service class tag. If the interface is provided there then it doesn't need a concrete implementation from CXF.

Hope this helps. Let me know

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