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Error in opening Android Studio (latest version) because of jdk

Earlier I had jdk 7. Everything was working well with that. I was able to open Android Studio as it was well configured with jdk 7 . I was able to create android project and gradle successfully.

But while I clicked the run button to run the app in the AVD , it showed me the error that it was unable to compile the program (the program was a simple Hello World display). It said that it required jdk 8 to compile the program.

So, I installed jdk 8 and the corresponding runtime and created the environment for the both successfully just like I had done for jdk 7 . Now the Android Studio is not ready to start.

It shows the error that

jdk 8 is not a valid JVM.

I have also attached the screenshot of the error, the java environment variable on my machine and Java control panel showing the installed Java Version and runtime version. With jdk 7 , I was able to compile and run simple java program of hello world on command prompt.

Now, using jdk 8 , the program is getting compiled successfully creating an object file but it is not able to run the program. Even in Control Panel, on opening 'Java', it shows that Java 8 has been successfully installed, configured and enabled on the system.

I am not able to get the problem. The same problem was being faced with 8u91 . So, I also installed 8u92 . Here are the screenshots I uploaded...

Android Studio Error

Proper Environment Variable

Just specify till the jdk version

Dont include the bin folder

Edit your JAVA_HOME variable like this

 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\

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