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How to find the declaring method of a bridge method?

Assume we have the following interface and implementations:

interface Matcher<T>{
     boolean matches(T arg);

class NumberMatcher<T extends Number> implements Matcher<T>{
    public boolean matches(T arg){...}

class StringMatcher extends Matcher<String>{
   public boolean matches(String arg){ ...}

class CustomMatcher extends NumberMatcher<Integer> {
    public boolean matches(String arg){...}

    public boolean matches(Integer arg){...}

What I need is the type of the parameter of the matches(T) method of a given Matcher implementation.

NumberMatcher numberMatcher = new NumberMatcher<Long>();
StringMatcher stringMatcher = new StringMatcher();
CustomMatcher customMatcher = new CustomMatcher();
Matcher<Date> dateMatcher = new Matcher<Date>(){...};

getArgumentType(numberMatcher) // should return Number.class
getArgumentType(stringMatcher) // should return String.class
getArgumentType(customMatcher) // should return Integer.class
getArgumentType(dateMatcher ) // should return Object.class

Here is a implementation that works except of the CustomMatcher case, cause it fails to detect the overriden matches(..) method and returns String.class instead of Integer.class .

Class<?> getArgumentType(Matcher<?> matcher) {
    Method[] methods = matcher.getClass().getMethods();
    for (Method method : methods) {
        if (isMatchesMethod(method)) {
            return method.getParameterTypes()[0];

    throw new NoSuchMethodError("Method 'matches(T)' not found!");

private boolean isMatchesMethod(Method method) {
    if (!isPublic(method.getModifiers()))
        return false;

    if (method.getParameterCount() != 1)
        return false;

    return method.getName().equals("matches");


I am looking for a solution that doesn't need to specify the argument type like this:

interface Matcher<T>{
     boolean matches(T arg);
     Class<T> argumentType();

As long as you can edit the implementations, you can use a marker annotation:

public @interface ThisIsTheOne {


public class CustomMatcher extends NumberMatcher<Integer> {

    public boolean matches(Integer arg){ return true; }

    public boolean matches(String arg){  return true; }

private static boolean isMatchesMethod(Method method) {
    if (method.getAnnotation(ThisIsTheOne.class) != null) {
        return true;
    // do the same as before, so it works on non-annotated methods too

This will return Integer.class for CustomMatcher .

I don't think there's a way to retrieve this information at runtime, since Method -s don't know where they come from. This is probably intentional, as multiple interfaces can define the same method signature.

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