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Conflict in Eclipse Mars with Maven and SVN?

I've been using Eclipse for programming and testing Storm just fine, however, I created an SVN account, where I commit the project, and for that, I needed the SVN plugin for Eclipse. It worked, but after that, i get this message on a popup error window when I try to launch:

Referenced classpath provider does not exist:

I realised that in the "configure" menu, the option "convert to maven project" (right click on project) disappeared. The "runAs" options for the java topology doesn't run with this error, and the "pom.xml" cannot be run as maven.

Possible fix tried:

I tried to reinstall all maven builders to Eclipse(it doesn't let me to unninstall).

I tried to rebuild config by:

mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

None of this worked, my Eclipse version is:

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.

Version: Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)
Build id: 20150924-1200Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.

On Ubuntu Gnome 14.04.

As I said, it was running perfect until I installed SVN plugin.


I realised that I have installed two plugins of m2e:

Maven integration for Eclipse (Luna and newer)1.5
Maven integration for Eclipse (Luna)1.5.0

Both in marketplace, but I have no way to uninstall them, it says:

[plugin] cannot be fully uninstalled because other installed software requires it.  The parts that are not required will be uninstalled.


In the "Installation History" within the "Help>Installation details" menu, I saw that "Maven integration for Eclipse (Luna)1.5.0" was installed by (or with) SVN plugin, so I think the problem is there, nevertheless, I can't uninstall it as I said in my first "EDIT".

If anyone has a clue about what is happening, please, help me.

Thanks in advance!

We use Subclipse in Eclipse (Kepler and Mars) without problems (Did you install Subclipse or Subversive?).

To check out projects as Maven projects, you should install a m2e connector. Subversive has one in the "Discovery" catalog while for Subclipse there is a separate update site.

If your eclipse plugin configuration is somehow broken, I would start again with a virgin eclipse (Mars.1, Mars.2 or Neon) which already contains m2e in version 1.6 or 1.7. Then you can install Subclipse or Subversive and try again.

Workaround proposal: simply don't deal with SVN within eclipse!

Instead, you can use "git svn" on ubuntu.

Meaning: with git svn you can create a local git repository, that allows you to commit/fetch to a remote SVN server. But to your eclipse ... that repository looks a common of garden GIT repository.

In other words: using that tool, you can still connect to SVN (although I don't understand why anybody would want to do that in 2016); but you have all the features of git available to you as well (including full support within eclipse; without installing any additional plugins).

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