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crawling web data using python html error

i want to crawling data using python i tried tried again but it didn't work i can not found code's error i wrote code like this:

import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

print(bs.find('span',attrs={"class" : "u_cbox_contents"}))

i want to crawl reply data in news


as you can see, i tried to searing this:

span, class="u_cbox_contents" in bs

but python only say "None"


so i check bs using function print(bs)

and i check up bs variable's contents

but there is no span, class="u_cbox_contents"

why this happing?

i really don't know why

please help me

thanks for reading.

Requests will fetch the URL's contents, but will not execute any JavaScript.

I performed the same fetch with cURL, and I can't find any occurrence of u_cbox_contents in the HTML code. Most likely, it's injected using JavaScript, which explains why BeautifulSoup can't find it.

If you need the page's code as it would be rendered in a "normal" browser, you could try Selenium . Also have a look at this SO question.

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