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Python Tkinter multiple line input as integer in list

I have a problem reading multiple lines of coordinates (like x,y) from a Tkinter Textbox. The user input will be this:


Each Line represents an x,y coordinate. X and Y are seperated by ,. I need to read this coordinates from the text box and process it in a way that an array forms. Like this:


What i have so far:

from Tkinter import *

def get_Data():
   text_from_Box = Text_Entry.get("1.0", 'end-1c').split("\n")
   print text_from_Box

master = Tk()

Label(master, text = "Enter coordinates here:").grid(row = 0, sticky = W)

Text_Entry = Text(master, height = 30, width = 30)
Text_Entry.grid(row = 1, column = 0)

Button(master, text = 'Start Calculation', command = get_Data).grid(row = 2,      column = 0, sticky = W)


You have to split again at the ',' and convert to int (or float ):

def get_Data():
   text_from_Box = Text_Entry.get("1.0", 'end-1c').split("\n")
   numbers = [[int(x) for x in pair.split(",")] for pair in text_from_Box]
   print numbers

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