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d3.csv modifying the input data

I am using d3.tsv to parse through a file. I want to change all the zeros in one column of the data(PValue column) to the next lowest number in that column. I believe the correct way of doing this is to use the accessor function but my attempts have so far failed.

d3.tsv(filename, modifyData, function(error, data) {

    data.forEach(function(d) {
        d.NAME = d.NAME;
        d.logFC = +d.logFC;
        d.logCPM = +d.logCPM;
        d.FDR = +d.FDR;
        d.PValue = +d.PValue

When I try to do something like the following in the accessor function modifyData, I get an error saying 'data' is undefined in the code above.

function modifyData(d){
        origData.PValue = +origData.PValue
    var pValue_array = [] 
    for (var i = pValue_array.length-1 ; i >= 0; i--){
        if (pValue_array[i] === 0){
    var newPzero = (arrayMin(pValue_array))
    return d;

arrayMin is a simple function that returns the minimum value in an array. I was planning on using this value to replace all of the 0s in the PValue column. Help is greatly appreciated!

You can find the min value first and then replace the 0s:

d3.tsv('data.tsv', function(error, data) {

//Option A
// smallest = d3.min(data, function(d) {return +d.PValue || Infinity; })

//Option B
var noZeroes = data.filter(function(d) { return +d.Data !== 0; });
var smallest = d3.min(noZeroes, function(d) { return d.Data; })

    data.forEach(function(d) {

        d.NAME = d.NAME;
        d.logFC = +d.logFC;
        d.logCPM = +d.logCPM;
        d.FDR = +d.FDR;

        if (+d.PValue == 0 ) {
          d.Data = +smallest;
        } else {
          d.PValue = +d.PValue 


Don't forget the "+" for numeric values, otherwise JS consider it as string, and your comparation will fail.-

You can use d3.min to get the minimum value from your data set.

For example

d3.tsv(filename, function(error, data) {
    data.forEach(function(d) {
        d.NAME = d.NAME;
        d.logFC = +d.logFC;
        d.logCPM = +d.logCPM;
        d.FDR = +d.FDR;

        d.PValue = +(d.PValue || d3.min(data, function(d) { return d.PValue || Infinity; }));

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