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no pods monitor information in kubernetes(heapster, influxdb, grafana)

我创建heapster,influxdb,grafana监测kubernetes,通过kubectl从创建-f ./cluster/addons/cluster-monitoring/influxdb文件: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cluster/addons/ cluster-monitoring / influxdb我可以访问grafana,kube状态和influxdb(后者通过将:http附加到url),但是我无法访问heapster(获取404),并且grafana可以列出节点监视器信息,并且没有Pod监视信息,为什么?

Try exposing the heapster using NodePort. In heapster.yaml unders spec(service) add a new entry

 type: NodePort 

The yaml portion should look somethting like this after entry.

 spec: type: NodePort ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 8082 selector: k8s-app: heapster 

Then check the services running in your cluster using the following command.

 kubectl get services -n kube-system 

Find out the port of heapster from service list. It should look something like this.


Then access heapster api with cluster_ip:port
For example: 

You should be able to access the heapster then.

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