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kafka how to delete topic with no leader

I can't delete / reassign / make any change to topics without leader


  1. Create a topic with ReplicationFactor=1
  2. Shutdown the only one broker host
  3. Use kafka-topic --delete to delete the topic
  4. Delete process will never end (I waited for more than 6 month, and it starting to get hurt)

describe of topic

Topic:topic_73  PartitionCount:1    ReplicationFactor:1
Topic: topic_73 Partition: 0    Leader: -1  Replicas: 755   Isr:

broker 755 can never gone back how can i fix this?

You can try this script to clear metadata from zookeeper and directly delete the kafka logs.

./clear.sh /path-to-kafka-logs sampletopic /path-to-kafka-bin-dir

clear.sh content is as below:

# this script is for the situation that leader is set to -1 and there is no ISR

# make sure kafka service is stopped while running this
rm -rf ${KAFKA_LOG_DIR}/${TOPIC}*
${ROOT_DIR}/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper ${ZK_HOST}:2181 --topic ${TOPIC} --delete
${ROOT_DIR}/kafka/bin/zookeeper-shell.sh ${ZK_HOST}:2181 rmr /brokers/topics/${TOPIC}
${ROOT_DIR}/kafka/bin/zookeeper-shell.sh ${ZK_HOST}:2181 rmr /admin/delete_topics/${TOPIC}

make sure chmod +x clear.sh before using it.

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