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C++ Quantlib output to console window

I am learning how to use quantlib to price derivatives. What is the best way to output some of the Quantlib specific classes to console window? For example

shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure> forwardCurve(new InterpolatedDiscountCurve<LogLinear>(dates,discountFactor,Actual360())); 
Handle<YieldTermStructure> forwardingTermStructure(forwardCurve);
shared_ptr<IborIndex> euribor(new Euribor(3*Months,forwardingTermStructure));

What will be the best way for me to output forwardCurve to and euribor to console window? Then I can see the intermediate result of the code to see if they are as expected.

Many thanks.

There's no predefined way to output those classes to console, but you can use their inspector to output the relevant data (so, eg, you can call forwardCurve->times() and forwardCurve->discounts() to inspect the values you're interpolating) or you can call their methods to see the results of their calculations (eg, forwardCurve->discount(d) to retrieve the discount factor at a given date, or euribor->fixing(d) to retrieve the expected index fixing). The returned values can be written to console.

As an alternative, you might consider stepping through the code inside a debugger. In modern IDEs, this will give you the same information more easily.

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