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Spring: Using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer support outside of application context

My applications requirements mean that I need to create application beans manually at runtime and then add them to the application context.

These beans belong to third party libraries so I cannot modify them eg a TibjmsConnectionFactory

So my factory class that creates these beans needs to be provided with a Properties object that will set username, password, connectionTimeouts etc

Ideally I'd like to use Spring 's property support so I do not need to convert Strings to Integers etc

Also, the Properties provided to my factory class will not be the same Properties used for by the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in my overall ApplicationContext

How do I achieve this, or is it even possible?

public class MyCustomFactoryStrategy  {
    public TibjmsConnectionFactory create(Properties properties) {
        TibjmsConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new TibjmsConnectionFactory();
        connectionFactory.setServerUrl(properties.getProperty("emsServerUrl")); // this is a string
        connectionFactory.setConnAttemptCount(new Integer(properties.getProperty("connAttemptCount"))); // this is an integer
        return connectionFactory;

Have a look in this post. I think it might be what you need.

[ PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer not loading programmatically


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