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MySQL Workbench: merging multiple rows into one row using same call_ID

The data is like:

CallID | callin | callout

 456   |  16267777 | *123

   456 | *123      |19095351

  789  | 1323789   |  *123

   789 |  *123     |180515978

(*123 is the system extension number )

Table name : call_history

Now I want to regroup the data to become:

 CallID           callin           callout

 456             16267777         19095351

 789             1323789          180515978

How do I do it ? By using Selfjoin? GROUP?

Thank you!

You can use an inner join

select a.callID, a.callin, b.callout
from call_history as  a 
inner join call_history as b on a.callID = b.callID
where a.callin !='*123' 
and b.callout !='*123'

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