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How do I set the cache size of FirebaseDatabase in the new FirebaseDatabase API for Android?

How do I set the cache size of FirebaseDatabase in the new FirebaseDatabase API for Android?

I am just updating my legacy code to the new version, the old setup would be:

    Config config = Firebase.getDefaultConfig();
    config.setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes(50 * 1000 * 1000);

The new code as described in documentations is only


But class FirebaseDatabase does not have a method like setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes() as described in this reference: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/android/com/google/firebase/database/FirebaseDatabase The new documentation states that the default size is 10Mb, but it does not tell me where to change this default value.

There is a setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes() method. I don't know when this was added, though.


FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes(50 * 1000 * 1000);

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