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Angular 2 Bind Selected Attribute to Dynamically Created Options

I'm using Angular 2 RC4.

I create a dropdown select element which is bound to a variable in my component and create the options for this select using *ngFor , like this:

<select id="role-select" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="foo.bars" multiple>
    <option *ngFor="let bar of bars">{{bars}}</option>

The bars variable is dynamically populated:

        result => {
            this.bars = result;
        err => {
        () => {}  

I also dynamically populate the foo.bars variable:

constructor(public _service: Service){
        .subscribe((data) => {
            this.foo.bars = data;
        },(err) => {
        },  () => {
            // done                    

Now what I want to do is to set the selected attribute to true on any options that match the bars in foo.bars . Currently I use this:

var roleSelect = document.getElementById("role-select");
this.foo.bars.forEach((v,i) => {
    for (var j = 0; j < roleSelect.options.length; j++) {
        if (roleSelect.options[j].text === v) {
            roleSelect.options[j].selected = true;

This works perfectly fine, but the transpiler throws errors saying options does not exist on HTMLElement[] and I would like a slightly more robust solution.

Any idea is appreciated.

how about

    this._service.GetBars().contactMap(result => {
        this.bars = result;
        return this._service.GetFooBars();
        data => {
            this.foo.bars = data;
        err => console.log(err)

    var roleSelect = document.getElementById("role-select");
    this.foo.bars.forEach((v, i) => {
        for (var j = 0; j < roleSelect.options.length; j++) {
            if (roleSelect.options[j].text === v) {
                roleSelect.options[j].selected = true;

however, I think you don't really need setSelected function.

In theory, ngModel should take care of that.

if not, in your template, you can add [selected]="bar===foo.bars"

<select id="role-select" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="foo.bars" multiple>
    <option *ngFor="let bar of bars" [selected]="bar===foo.bars">{{bars}}</option>

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