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How to start the same spring-batch job concurrently with different parameters?

I want to start the same job configuration multiple times with different filename parameters, to import multiple files concurrently (each job one file).

public class MyJob {

    //the steps contain each a reader, processor and writer
    //reader is @JobScope
    public Job job(Step someStep, Step, someMoreStep) {
        System.out.println("registering job bean");
        return jobBuilderFactory.get(name)

public class MyImporter {
    private JobRegistry jobRegistry;

    private JobLauncher launcher;

    private static final String FILENAME = "baseFilename";

    public void run(String i) {
        p = new JobParametersBuilder();
        p.addDate("date", new Date());
        p.addString("filename", FILENAME + i + ".csv"); //injected via @Value jobParameter to job

        Job job = jobRegistry.getJob("getMyJob");
        launcher.run(job, p.toJobParameters());

public class MyImportManager {
    private MyImporter importer;

    //starts a  job multiple times with different "filename" parameters,
    //to simulate concurrent file imports with the same configuration job class
    public void start() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

@EnableBatchProcessing(modular = true)
public class MyConfig {


Problem: I can start multiple jobs, but they seem to use eg the same reader . If I run a single job i < 1 , everything is working fine. If I increase i , I'm getting weired inputs.

I'm using FlatFileItemReader where each value is read line by line. But when using concurrent imports (from different files), the input strings are often corrupt.

So I assume I'm not registering the jobs properly for concurrent imports? But why?

What is interesting: the line "registering job bean" is only printed once. But shouldn't it be printed as often as the async job is started?

FlatFileItemReader is not thread-safe, so your reader bean will need to be in "job" scope. Then you'll get one instance per job.

public FlatFileItemReader<?> yourReaderBean(
        @Value("#{jobParameters[filename]}") String filename){
    FlatFileItemReader<?> itemReader = new FlatFileItemReader<?>();
    itemReader.setResource(new ClassPathResource(filename));
    return itemReader;

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