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save page id in cookies and retrieve that certain id's row from database in other page

hi every one i am designing a real estate website i have many ads in my website and when user click on a certain ad it goes to another page "viewmore.php" which gives user more details about that certain ad. so far i create a 'favorite' or 'save' button on viewmore page that will save the selected page title in a certain page based on cookies for user to read later. Now i want to send ad's id to the favorite page when ever user click on "add to favotites" thus based on id i can fetch that certain ad data from database . like the page title i want to do this based on cookies. can i do this? how? this is my current code

 //viewmore.php <?php error_reporting(0); include("config.php"); (is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) ? $ID = $_GET['ID'] : $ID = 1; $result = mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT*FROM ".$db_table." WHERE idhome = $ID"); ?> <?php error_reporting(0); include("config.php"); (is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) ? $ID = $_GET['ID'] : $ID = 1; $result = mysqli_query($connect,"SELECT*FROM ".$db_table." WHERE idhome = $ID"); ?> <?php $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result): $price=$row['price']; $rent=$row['rent']; $room=$row['room']; $date=$row['date']; ?> <?php $cookie_name = "favoritepost"; $cookie_value ="$ID"; setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), "/"); // 86400 = 1 day ?> <?php echo"price"; echo"room"; echo"date"; ?> 
and this is my javascript code which i save page title and page url in cookies after user click on add to favorites

any idea thank u

The setcookie() function must appear BEFORE the <html> tag.
After setting it, you can read the cookie every where in your php scripts in this way


PS: of course I suppose cookies are enabled on your browser.

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