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DbFlow with RecyclerView.Adapter or CursorAdapter

Anyone know how to implement an adapter that receives data from a content resolver created with dbflow?

I have database, provider and model class created but how interact with adapter? Is RecyclerView Adapter the best option for my needs? I have seen I something about ModelViewAdapter from dbflow but I still trying to understand how to implement using it.

You need a constructor in the adapter that receive your model class. for example:

public BeneficiaryListAdapter(Context context, List<Beneficiary> beneficiaryList){
        mContext = context;
        mBeneficiaryList = new ArrayList<>(beneficiaryList.size());

In my activity I receive a list of beneficiaries so, when that happens the next is to do the intance of the BeneficiaryListAdapter and I pass the context and the the list List<Beneficiary> beneficiaryList (in this case Beneficiary is my model class).

 mAdapter = new BeneficiaryListAdapter(getApplicationContext(), beneficiaryList);

Also, In my adapter, I have two class variables one that they will contain the context and other for the list that I am going to receive in the constructor.

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