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Can not load AJAX data from the server in tree view plugin

There are many jQuery plugins for creating a checkbox tree view, but I can't find documentation of loading data from a server using AJAX. For example this link .

I want something like this:

$('#CheckBoxTree').LoadTreeView('/WebHandler/GetData.ashx') {

Or using classic ajax format

    url: '/WebHandler/Data.ashx',
    async: true,
    dataType: 'json',
    data: { proname: 'pro' },
    success: function (dataa) {

I tried using second technique on one plugin but it failed. I did this:

    url: '/WebHandler/GetPlotData.ashx',
    async: true,
    dataType: 'json',
    data: { proname: 'province' },
    success: function (dataa) {
            data: dataa

Kindly help me so that I can continue my work. Thank you.

I used DynaTree, it has a lot of documentation. Here is a Link it has a lot of old versions which are comparable with old jquery.

i just had to write this much code.

        checkbox: true,
        autoCollapse: false,
        activeVisible: true,
        persist: true,
      //  selectMode: 1,
        onLazyRead: function (node) {           
                url: "/WebHandler/GetPlotData.ashx",
                data: {
                    "proname": "district",
                    "mode": "all"
        initAjax: {
            url: "/WebHandler/GetPlotData.ashx",
            data: {proname: "province", // Optional arguments to append to the url
                mode: "all"


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