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SQL query to Sequelize query

select *
From Visitors
join CsvData on
CsvData.fileName = Visitors.fileName

How to make join like above.

        model: CsvData,
        joinCondition: {
            Visitors.fileName : CsvData.fileName  //*wrong syntax but rough idea

Any help will be appreciated

You're almost there :) You first want to associate the two models. Assuming fileName is defined as a primary key on CsvData :

Visitors.hasMany(CsvData, {
  as: 'CsvDataItems',
  foreignKey: 'fileName'

    model: CsvData,
    as: 'CsvDataItems' // Must match the "as" specified in the association above
}).then(function(results) {
  console.log('Success!', results);
}).catch(function(err) {
  console.error('Something went wrong', err);

Note that if you wanted a right join (I know you didn't ask, but hey) you can add required: true to the include object.

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