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What is the best practice for Wakanda to 4D error handling?

In 4D Mobile architecture, what is the best practice for ensuring that Wakanda interactions with 4D do not error resulting in thread failure.

There can be many such interactions: query, entity reference col[0], .save, method calls, etc...

We want to trap all these errors and return our own message, rather than have the thread fail due to a Wakanda<->4D interaction failure.

Invoking an on-err-call function for all of these types of interactions would eliminate wrapping all calls in a try/catch statement.

From my knowledge, there is no such error handling strategy between 4D and Wakanda. We also experience request drops and have to code our own protective measures. I hope I am wrong and another answer makes mine irrelevant.

I had no luck asking about this on the premium forums back when they still existed. I wish I had a better answer.

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