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How do i use mongodb with electron?

I'm currently building a desktop application using Electron and MongoDB. The objective of this application is to collect and store information of various customers in the local scope of the application (not on a server). I've done some research into MongoDB with node.js; however I haven't found a way to use it in Electron.

This is an electron app for MongoDB management, you can check the code as an example on how to use mongodb and electron.


Basically you can use mongodb as you would normally use in node.js in the Main process and then communicate with Renderer process through the ipc module .

For example:

Renderer process

    const ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
    const informationBtn = document.getElementById('information-dialog')

    informationBtn.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

Main process

const ipc = require('electron').ipcMain
const mongo = require('some-mongo-module')

ipc.on('create-user', function (event) {

I would recommend you to use the get started app that you can find in http://electron.atom.io/

I am using Electron + React + Typescript and I had to import mongoose like so:

const mongoose = window.require("mongoose");
// then you can connect to it like so:

This will get rid of the error:

TypeError: mongoose.connect is not a function

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