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ResxResourceReader throwing ArgumentNullException

I have used ResxResourceReader for reading resource file. It work well for some files. Its getting error for parsing below line

<data name="GlbResource"  type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef,  
<value>glbresource.resx;System.String, mscorlib, Version=,  
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089;utf-8</value>

Could you tell me please why ResxResourceReader is failing for parsing above line?


That's the problem. You are not running on .NET 4.0 (or later). So your program cannot load types from a version 4 assembly.

Assuming that you cannot target .NET 4, the only fix is to re-generate the .resx file. Open the form with the bad .resx file in the designer and make a trivial change to one of the properties. And just change it back. This recreates the .resx file, it will now use version references. Double-check that the change was effective by looking at the .resx file with a text editor.

And you probably want to use Edit + Find and Replace + Find in Files to search all .resx files for "" to make sure you have them all.

I had the same problem... Please use below code and try it out. Its worked for me..

XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load("File Path");
IEnumerable<XElement> xmlData = xDoc.Descendants("node name");
foreach(XElement element in xmlData)
   if(element == null)

   // retrieve key using element.Attribute("name").Value
   // retrieve value using element.Element("value").Value

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