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Find Server Seed from Hash Verification Script

View this jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/1L1uqcgv/6/

function refreshTable(){
    var hash = document.getElementById("gameHash").value;
    var lastHash = "";
    var amount = document.getElementById("gameAmount").value;

    var tableBody = document.getElementById("tbody");
    tableBody.innerHTML = "";
    for(var i=0; i<amount; i++){
    var gameHash = (lastHash!=""?genGameHash(lastHash):hash);
    var gameCrash = crashPointFromHash((lastHash!=""?genGameHash(lastHash):hash));
    var clr = gameCrash > 1.97 ? 'green': (gameCrash < 1.97 ? 'red' : 'blue');
    tableBody.innerHTML += "<tr><td>"+gameHash+"</td><td style='background:" + clr + "'>"+gameCrash+"</td></tr>";
    lastHash = gameHash;

function divisible(hash, mod) {
// So ABCDEFGHIJ should be chunked like  AB CDEF GHIJ
var val = 0;

var o = hash.length % 4;
for (var i = o > 0 ? o - 4 : 0; i < hash.length; i += 4) {
    val = ((val << 16) + parseInt(hash.substring(i, i+4), 16)) % mod;

return val === 0;

function genGameHash(serverSeed) {
    return CryptoJS.SHA256(serverSeed).toString()

function hmac(key, v) {
    var hmacHasher = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(CryptoJS.algo.SHA256, key);
    return hmacHasher.finalize(v).toString();

function crashPointFromHash(serverSeed) {
// see: provably fair seeding event
var hash = hmac(serverSeed, '000000000000000007a9a31ff7f07463d91af6b5454241d5faf282e5e0fe1b3a');

// In 1 of 101 games the game crashes instantly.
if (divisible(hash, 101))
    return 0;

// Use the most significant 52-bit from the hash to calculate the crash point
var h = parseInt(hash.slice(0,52/4),16);
var e = Math.pow(2,52);

return (Math.floor((100 * e - h) / (e - h))/100).toFixed(2);

Is it possible to find the "serverSeed" as shown in lines 31 and 41? To find previous games, a hash is entered into the box, showing all previous games. Would serverSeed be used to find these hashes, or does the single hash create all previous hashes?

ServerSeed 是您输入的哈希值,以便查看崩溃点并查看以前的游戏。

Ok I have a question.

If I know the Seed Hash (SHA-256) and the Client Seed and the Nonce which increases by 1 after every roll.

Is there a way to predict what the roll outcome will be known the each and every roll has to be between 00001 and 10000

I'm looking to see if there is a way to use the crash value to predict the next roll value.

shot in the dark.

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