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Can not create empty collection in MongoDB using Meteor

I have the next code in lib/ folder

TestCollection = new Mongo.Collection('testCollection');

I expect that this code should create empty collection in MongoDB,but it doesn't.

This collection is created only when I insert some data.

TestCollection = new Mongo.Collection('testCollection');
TestCollection .insert({ foo: 'blah', bar: 'bleh' });

I want to create an empty collection without simultaneously inserting data. Is it possible?

I looked at similar posts,but they insert data immediately after the creation collection. I want first create collection and much later insert data.

From Meteor, no. You can create an empty collection from the mongo shell using db.createCollection

Otherwise just insert a doc and remove it right away as suggested by @CodeChimp

same as Michel Floyd say, I have done this in mongodb shell :

> use storybook

> db.main.insert({"fakeKey": "fakeValue"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

> db.main.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bd2bddb6ec5fdeabfbd6ecb"), "fakeKey" : "fakeValue" }

> db.main.deleteOne({"_id": ObjectId("5bd2bddb6ec5fdeabfbd6ecb")})
{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 1 }

then via:


you can find that already added an empty db's collection.

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