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Laravel eloquent relation multiple models

I've got 4 different models. But don't quiet got the hang on the relationship I'm supposed to use. Models: County , Municipality , Postal and Zip . Table and primary keys are correctly set in each model.

In County model I've added:

public function municipality() {
    return $this -> hasMany('App\Municipality');

In Municipality model I've added:

public function postal() {
    return $this -> hasMany('App\Postal');

And in Postal model I've added:

public function zip() {
    return $this -> hasMany('App\Zip');

I have tested this: County::findOrFail(1)->municipality; and it works. But how would I get the postals that belongs to that specific municipality?

I can't do this: County::findOrFail(1)->municipality->postal; which I thought I could. But I can see I don't have the hang of it yet.

How would I do this? Thanks in advance.

Database structure: http://pastebin.com/ts0D5juq

You missed something:


Here you have the municipality field of county not the actual object.

You have to use your functions:


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