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The for attribute of the label element must refer to a non-hidden form control

I have some errors in my code Here is my error:

The for attribute of the label element must refer to a non-hidden form control.

And myd code:

 <form action="/search"> <span class="input input--hoshi search-wrapp main-page-open" style="display:block"> <input class="input__field input__field--hoshi" type="text" id="search" name="keyword" placeholder="Search..."/> <label class="input__label input__label--hoshi input__label--hoshi-color-2" for="input-5"> <!--<span class="input__label-content input__label-content-hoshi">Search...</span>--> </label> <span class="icon-serch"></span> </span> <input id="search-btn" type="submit" style="display: none;"/> </form> 

What is wrong with it? Thanks!

The label for attribute must contain the input id value

<label for="foo">Foo:</label>
<input id="foo">

To omit the for and id attributes all-together, put input inside label

    Foo: <input name="foo">

Also note, that input cannot be hidden <input type="hidden"> , however it can be styled as hidden <input style="display:none">

The validator is expecting for your label's for field to target the id field of the input element that contains it. Here, that means that for="input-5" is expected to be for="search" , as <input> 's id is search .

As you're expecting the user to add input to this field, you should be making sure they are linked to each other.

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