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replace the content between some tags with a specific word usin shell script or unix command

I want to replace a specific word between tags. For example, starting withe the following:


I want to find the artifactID tag, then replace 1.20.0-SNAPSHOT with 1.22.0-SNAPSHOT . Note that it has to find the artifactID and replace the version number, which may come in 2nd or 3rd line after artifactID.

I need to do this using a Unix command or a shell script. Thanks in advance.

Below is the script that I have return which should resolve you're issue. I have used, sed command to replace version number. I have return comment to explain the logic

# You can set below two variables based on input argument using "$1" and "$2"
while read -r line
#Search for specific atrifact id
isArtifact=$(echo "$line" | grep ">${artifact_name}<")
# If artifact id found, increment count by 1
if [ "$isArtifact" != "" ]

if [ "$_count" -eq 1 ]

    # As we have found the artifact id, now we will search for the version
    isVersionLine=$(echo "$line" | grep -i '<version>')
    echo "$isVersionLine"
    if [ "$isVersionLine" != "" ]
        # Once version is found, replace it with specific version
        sed -i pom.xml -e "${_line}s/<version>.*<\/version>/<version>${your_version}<\/version>/"
        # Increment count to 2 so that no new version is changed. Instead only break will also do
done < pom.xml

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