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Install npm without node

I am starting a ASP.NET Core Web Application using Visual Studio 2015 and I would like to use AngularJs2 with TypeScript editing. In order for this to work I need to install the npm Package Manager. I would like to install npm without node since I will not use Node.js. Is there a way to do this?

Simple answer to your questions is No.

NPM is a NodeJS Package Manager . As its name would imply, you can use it to install node programs.

This is a wiki defination of npm

Npm is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js.

So, you need to install Node.js in order to run NPM. Hope this helps. Thank you.

,因为npm是一个用JavaScript编写的程序,没有Node ,很难在服务器端(浏览器外)运行这样的程序。

Two things:

  1. Do you need to install npm or just some package manager? If anything is fine you can try some other package manager like yarn (I haven't tried it personally).
  2. I believe Typescript is build on JavaScript , meaning you'll need Node.js to compile your tsc code. Unless! You want it compiled in the browser which is an ill-advised thing to do, but still possible.


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