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Find where relation not null [Mongoose]

I have function like this

        userId: userId
            .populate('recommendedBy',null,{role: '4edd40c86762e0fb12000002'})

This part role: '4edd40c86762e0fb12000002'} if inside recommendedBy no role like this 4edd40c86762e0fb12000002 it will return null like this:

      "_id": "579a1600ce5b012224ba0d36",
      "recommendedBy": null,
      "userId": "5798a398e7dc3b242e1f38a5",
      "__v": 0

I need if recommendedBy is null to not show record, is that possible?

Thanks in advance

On your query add the .where('recommendedBy').ne(null) . This will tell the query to (in your case find()) find() all matching documents "where" recommendedBy "is-not-equal-to" null .

BTW .ne() means not equal.

So in your case :

recommendModel.find({userId: userId})
    .populate(...) // do your population
    .exec(...); // exec

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