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Pass test case in tfs using tfs api

i have the below code to pass the test case in TFS/MTM.I have achieved to pass the test case from outside but when i check the inside steps of the test case,they are not passed.I am looking to pass the test case by passing each action of test case. any help appreciated.

ITestPlan tp = testinsuitesd.Plan;
// foreach (ITestCase testcase in allTestCases)

ITestRun testRun = testinsuitesd.Plan.CreateTestRun(false);
ITestPointCollection testPoints = tp.QueryTestPoints("select * from TestPoint where suiteId= "+ testinsuitesd.Id);
    foreach(ITestPoint testRuns in testPoints)
        testRun.AddTestPoint(testRuns, null);

    ITestCaseResultCollection testCaseResult = testRun.QueryResults();     //code to Pass the test Case
    foreach (ITestCaseResult testResult in testCaseResult)
    ITestIterationResult iterationResult;
   ITestActionResult actionResults;                                   
      iterationResult = testResult.CreateIteration(1);
    //actionResults = testResult.CreateIteration(1);
            foreach (ITestAction testStep in testResult.GetTestCase().Actions)

                ITestActionResult stepResult = iterationResult.CreateStepResult(testStep.Id);                                                    
                //stepResult.ErrorMessage = String.Empty;                                            
                stepResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed; //you can assign different states here

             //   iterationResult.Actions.Add(stepResult);
       // actionResults.   Add(stepResult);

            iterationResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;                                        
    testResult.Outcome = TestOutcome.Passed;
    testResult.State = TestResultState.Completed;
//  testCaseResult.


Try with below code:

var tfsRun = _testPoint.Plan.CreateTestRun(false);

tfsRun.DateStarted = DateTime.Now;
tfsRun.AddTestPoint(_testPoint, _currentIdentity);
tfsRun.DateCompleted = DateTime.Now;
tfsRun.Save(); // so results object is created

var result = tfsRun.QueryResults()[0];
result.Owner = _currentIdentity;
result.RunBy = _currentIdentity;
result.State = TestResultState.Completed;
result.DateStarted = DateTime.Now;
result.Duration = new TimeSpan(0L);
result.DateCompleted = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(0.0);

var iteration = result.CreateIteration(1);
iteration.DateStarted = DateTime.Now;
iteration.DateCompleted = DateTime.Now;
iteration.Duration = new TimeSpan(0L);
iteration.Comment = "Run from TFS Test Steps Editor by " + _currentIdentity.DisplayName;

for (int actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < _testEditInfo.TestCase.Actions.Count; actionIndex++)
    var testAction = _testEditInfo.TestCase.Actions[actionIndex];
    if (testAction is ISharedStepReference)

    var userStep = _testEditInfo.SimpleSteps[actionIndex];

    var stepResult = iteration.CreateStepResult(testAction.Id);
    stepResult.ErrorMessage = String.Empty;
    stepResult.Outcome = userStep.Outcome;

    foreach (var attachmentPath in userStep.AttachmentPaths)
        var attachment = stepResult.CreateAttachment(attachmentPath);


var overallOutcome = _testEditInfo.SimpleSteps.Any(s => s.Outcome != TestOutcome.Passed)
    ? TestOutcome.Failed
    : TestOutcome.Passed;

iteration.Outcome = overallOutcome;


result.Outcome = overallOutcome;

Moreover, there are also some links about TFS API that may help you:

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