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How to Add room categories for a particular hotel

I am creating a hotel master where i've these tables :

tbl_hotel_type : id,type_name,type_code and more
tbl_hotel : id,name,code and more
tbl_hotel_info : id,hotel_id,hotel_type_id and more
tbl_room_categories : id,hotel_type,room_catname,room_catcode and more

Now i want to relate which hotel has which room categories ie

1.Should i add another column in "tbl_hotel_info" as "room_categories" that will contain ids of all room categories in single column in particular row of "tbl_hotel_info" for a particulat hotel info.

  1. Or should,I create a new column in "tbl_room_categories" as "hotel_ids" that will contain all ids of hotel belongs to this particular room_category row.

Or both approaches are wrong and, I've to do something else please suggest me a better way to achieve this . Thanx.

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Something seems wrong with your design. I am not expecting a hotel_type to be in room categories. Where is the HotelTypes ? (I don't see a reason to prepend table names with tbl_ .)

In practice, it sounds like you want a junction table. I would envision tables such as:

RoomCategories:  RoomCategoryId, CategoryName, CategoryCode, . . .
HotelRoomCategories:  HotelId, RoomCategoryId
Hotels:  HotelId, HotelTypeId
HotelTypes:  HotelTypeId, TypeName, TypeCode

I also don't think you need a separate "hotel info" table. That information would seem to belong in the Hotels table directly.

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