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Lite-server does not detect a `bs-config.json` or `bs-config.js` override file

I'm trying to run angular2 based first app. I followed angular2 steps. When i run command npm start then its giving following error in the terminal

Did not detect a bs-config.json or bs-config.js override file. Using lite-server defaults...

And also browser returning 404 error for index.html file ( angular-project/app/index.html )

I check lite-server version is "lite-server@^2.2.0", and npm version 3.7.3 , also i followed this accepted answer instructions but still facing same issue. Can anyone guide me how can fix it, I will appreciate. Thank You.

In Wrap up section different project structure than described in question. Please ensure that you have followed tutorial correctly.

I see you are running lite-server 2.2.0; anyone else looking for help with this error should make sure they are running lite-server 2.0 or greater as that's when config file support was introduced.

Also, it can throw this error if there is a problem executing the bs-config.js, so check your config file for anything that could be erroring (including but not limited to syntax errors). For me I had forgotten to install the http-proxy-middleware so lite-server errored when it tried to execute the first line of my bs-config.js, which was var proxy = require('http-proxy-midleware'); . An npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware fixed this error for me.

HT: this github issue.

The reason that you have seen this warning message

Did not detect a bs-config.json or bs-config.js override file. Using lite-server defaults...

is probably that you have a definition in your package.json which describes what should happen once you trigger the npm start command, like:

"scripts": {
  "start": "tsc && concurrently \"tsc -w\" \"lite-server -c bs-config.json\" ",

Therefore, in short you need to either provide the bs-config.json file with the desired browser-sync configuration or modify the the above command.

Moreover, angular2 has now its famous quick-start example on github.

I made this account specifically to second the answer made by Patrick on July 12th.
If your bs-config cannot be found it may be because you do not have the proper packages. In my case I had http-proxy-middleware , but was missing connect-history-api-fallback .

Make sure to check/install all the node packages used in your bs-config!

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