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Mysql - Check if row exists

I want to insert a row only if it's parent exists in another table.

thread1 table

id | content      | 
1  |  Hello World |
2  |  Bye World   |

thread2 table

id | content     | 
1  |  Naruto     |
2  |  DragonBallz|

comment table

id | thread_id| thread_type | content    |
1  |    1     |     thread1 |    hellow  |
2  |    1     |     thread2 |    bye-bye |

Now if i do

INSERT INTO comment(thread_id,thread_type,content)VALUES('3','thread2','Whatever');

it should fail because 3 does not exists in thread2 table.

This is possible by checking from thread table. But is it possible without it ? Without doing an extra query ?


Tables above has been updated. the thread_type refers to the table thread1 & thread2

Creating a foreign key between the two tables, using thread(id) as the parent and comment(thread_id) as the child, should do the trick.

This is the command you should run -

    REFERENCES thread (id)

Try this:

INSERT INTO comment ('3','thread2','Whatever')  
select t2.id,0,0
from thread2 t2
where t2.id = '3';  

I am assuming, id in your comment table is a primary key and auto incremented.
Above query will select id from thread2 table depending on your thread type. If id is found in thread2 table, it will insert a new row else insert zero row as zero rows are selected from parent table.

Hope it helps :)

This may do that:

INSERT INTO comment(thread_id,thread_type,content)
(select id as thread_id, thread_type, '[content]' as content
from ((select id,'thread1' as thread_type from thread1)
(select id,'thread2' as thread_type from thread2 )) threads
where threads.id=[thread_id] and threads.thread_type ='[thread_type]')

As in your sample


So if there is such a parent it will be insert a row, otherwise won't insert anything.

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