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how to parse this json in swift?

I have a request

Alamofire.request(.GET,HttpHelper.baseURL+HttpHelper.tripsURL,encoding:.JSON).responseJSON {
response in 

    var json  = JSON(data: response.data!)

followed by the result

  "res" : "[{\"name\":\"testName\",\"lastName\":\"testLastName\"},{\"name\":\"testName\",\"lastName\":\"testLastName\"}]",
  "status" : "success",
  "out" : "{\"name\":\"testName\",\"lastName\":\"testLastName\"}"

how i can set data from res to struct or class User

struct  User  {
    var name : String?
    var lastName : String?

please help to solve this problem) thank you very much !!)

You can do something like that

var result: [User]()
for user in json["res"] {
   let userTmp = User(name: user["name"], lastName: user["lastName"])


Basically, it would be:

class User {
  var name : String?
  var lastName : String?

var theUsers = [User]()

  .responseJSON { response in 
    var json  = JSON(data: response.data!)

    theUsers = json["res"].map {
      return User (name: $0["name"], lastName: $0.["lastName"])

However, along the way, you might need some typecasting. For example, maybe replace json["res"] with (json["res"] as Array<Dictionary<String,String>>) in order to keep the type checker and type inferencer happy.

I'm using native Codable protocol to do that:

class MyClass: Codable {

    var int: Int?
    var string: String?
    var bool: Bool?
    var double: Double?

let myClass = MyClass()
myClass.int = 1
myClass.string = "Rodrigo"
myClass.bool = true
myClass.double = 2.2

if let json = JsonUtil<MyClass>.toJson(myClass) {
    print(json) // {"bool":true,"string":"Rodrigo","double":2.2,"int":1}

    if let myClass = JsonUtil<MyClass>.from(json: json) {
        print(myClass.int ?? 0) // 1
        print(myClass.string ?? "nil") // Rodrigo
        print(myClass.bool ?? false) // true
        print(myClass.double ?? 0) // 2.2

And I created a JsonUtil to help me:

public struct JsonUtil<T: Codable>  {

    public static func from(json: String) -> T? {
        if let jsonData = json.data(using: .utf8) {
            let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()

            do {
                return try jsonDecoder.decode(T.self, from: jsonData)

            } catch {

        return nil

    public static func toJson(_ obj: T) -> String? {
        let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()

        do {
            let jsonData = try jsonEncoder.encode(obj)
            return String(data: jsonData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)

        } catch {
            return nil

And if you have some issue with Any type in yours objects. Please look my other answer:


Good luck :)

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