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Angular 2 [ typescript] Updating a model value of parent component UI from a child component UI with json model

How to update the json 'oup' value from a child component to parent component. When i try to update the value from child model with output event in to a parent component nothing works.

i given all the details below

Data Handled:

   json: [{
      "inp": "hello",
      "oup": "fello"

parent component

  // Parent Component
 selector: 'parent',
 template: `
    <div>Parent sharedVarParent: {{sharedVarParent[0].oup}}
    <input type="text" [ngModel]="sharedVarParent[0].oup"/>
    <child [(sharedVar)]="sharedVarParent"></child>

     directives: [ChildComponent]
 export class ParentComponent {
  sharedVarParent =[{
                     "inp": "hello",
                     "oup": "fello"

  constructor() { console.clear(); }


  import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output} from 'angular2/core'

   // Child Component
    selector: 'child',
    template: `
    <p>Child sharedVar: {{sharedVar[0].oup}}</p>
    <input [ngModel]="sharedVar[0].oup" (ngModelChange)="change($event)">
   export class ChildComponent {
   @Input() sharedVar: string;
   @Output() sharedVarChange = new EventEmitter();
   change(newValue) {
      console.log('newvalue', newValue)
      this.sharedVar = newValue;

This looks a bit weird to me. You assign the fello value to the input and then emit the updated value. It seems to me you want to emit the changed sharedVar instead

<input [(ngModel)]="sharedVar[0].oup" (ngModelChange)="change()">
change() {

Is there a reason you send your array as the input instead of just the string? plnkr

Looking at your sample there are a few odd things:

  1. Your parent input is a one way binding, I don't know if that is confusing you, it's unusual and adds confusion to the question (fixed)

      <input [(ngModel)]="sharedVarParent[0].oup"/> 
  2. Since the array is passed by reference as input, there's not really a need for an output of your child component unless you are creating a new array, just use two-way binding on the input in your child and it will update the property on the first object in the shared array (sample)

     <input [(ngModel)]="sharedVar[0].oup"> 
    1. You're mixing passing the sharedVar array as input and outputting a string from the emitter when the child's text box value is updated. When that happens, the binding in the parent changes sharedVarParent to be a string, messing the whole thing up. When the parent instantiates the child, it sets the input sharedVar to the array. When you type in the child's textbox it outputs a string and the parent changes sharedVarParent to be a string, which is then sent as input to the child. plnkr

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