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Symfony routing : path() method don't write default param value

I have two routes :

// routing.yml
    path: /foo
    defaults: { _controller:MyBundle:Foo:index }

    path: /foo/{id}
        _controller: AlfnooBundle:Exploitant:view
        id : 1
        id: \d*

The first one is for a page which lists all the foos, the second one is the page which display a detailed view of foo n. {id}. In my Twig view, I generate the link to foo_view like this :

{{path('foo_view', {'id': foo.id})}}

It's OK if id is not 1 (the default value) : /foo/12345 . But if id is 1 , the path() method generates a wrong url, it ommits the id param, and the generated route is : /foo . Which is not foo_view , but foo_list . If I change the default value, the issue is for the default value.

{{path('foo_view', {'id': 1})}}     => /foo     => BAD ! I want /foo/1
{{path('foo_view', {'id': 123})}}   => /foo/123 => GOOD

So how can I force Twig path() methods to always add the param value, even if it is the default value ? I want to keep disctincts urls for :

/foo            => foo_list
/foo/           => foo_view with id=1
/foo/12345      => foo_view with id=12345

Thank you.

You can't do this, at least not in this way. Symfony's router does not generate paths with trailing slashes.

The path generated by path('foo_view') will always be /foo and will never be /foo/ and since you've specified a default for id the path will never be /foo/1 either, as you've seen.

There is a way to coerce trailing slashes but it's a but clumsy if you ask me.

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