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Adding multiple keys and values to cookie - Javascript

I need help with making a cookie thats going to have a lot of different values. So far I have this.

function makeCookie(key, value) {
document.cookie= key + "=" + value + "; path=/";}

//event listener to kick off the cookie function
var style1button = document.getElementById('style1');
style1button.addEventListener('click',function ()

//event listener to kick off the cookie function
var style2button = document.getElementById('style2'); 

I am going to be adding in more and I will end up needing to make a cookie more then one style, but I am not sure how to pass through multiple key,values into the same function I have setup. Or is it literally just making up new names instead of

makeCookie(key, value)

can I do

makeCookie(key1, value1, key2, value2......)

I apologize if this is easy, I am new at this. After looking at the document.cookie info from multiple sites, I am not able to find anything that makes sense.

Though I do suggest switching to localStorage , if you want to support variable arguments, I suggest you switch your argument to an object { key: "foo", value: "bar" } and then use the array-like arguments object to iterate over however many are passed:

// I usually put a comment showing an example of the argument(s) when 
// allowing a variable number of arguments
function makeCookie(/* { key: "foo", value: "bar" }, { ... } */) {
   for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      document.cookie= arguments[i].key + "=" + arguments[i].value + "; path=/";

makeCookie({ key: "foo", value: "bar" });
makeCookie({ key: "style1", value: "styleValue" }, { key: "style2", value: "styleValue2" });

I would suggest a function for clearing cookies (if you want) and one for adding cookies:

function clearCookies () {
    document.cookie = "";

function addCookie (key, value) {
    document.cookie += key + "=" + value + "; path=/";

Yes, you can do this: makeCookie(key1, value1, value2, value3......)

Functions in JS basically has "arguments" object. So, to achieve the above feature your makeCookie function should look like below:

function makeCookie(){
   var key = arguments[0];
   var value;
   for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      var tempValue = arguments[i];
      //write a logic here to represent the multiple values into one value        

   document.cookie= key + "=" + value + "; path=/";

Note: the above code assumes that you will always pass key as first argument while calling the function.

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