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more efficient way to recode groups?

My goal is to recode group_old to look like group_desired:

group_old <- c(58,58,57,57,57,56,56,56,59,59,56)
group_desired <- c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,3)
df <- data.frame(group_old, group_desired)

> df
   group_old group_desired
1         58             1
2         58             1
3         57             2
4         57             2
5         57             2
6         56             3
7         56             3
8         56             3
9         59             4
10        59             4
11        56             3

I was able to do it:

codex <- data.frame(old = unique(df$group_old), new = 1:length(unique(df$group_old)))

df$group_new <- sapply(df$group_old, FUN = function(x) codex$new[codex$old == x] )

> df
   group_old group_desired group_new
1         58             1         1
2         58             1         1
3         57             2         2
4         57             2         2
5         57             2         2
6         56             3         3
7         56             3         3
8         56             3         3
9         59             4         4
10        59             4         4
11        56             3         3

However, this code runs very slowly on a dataset with 8 millions obs and 400k groups. Is there a more efficient way to accomplish the same thing for large data?

Using data.table :

We group by group_old , and then create a new column by reference. .GRP is a special symbol in data.table . Its a simple grouping counter. It assigns 1 to the first group, 2 to the second.. and so on

group_old <- c(58,58,57,57,57,56,56,56,59,59,56)
df <- data.frame(group_old = group_old)

setDT(df)[,group_desired := .GRP, by = group_old]

 #   group_old group_desired
 #1:        58             1
 #2:        58             1
 #3:        57             2
 #4:        57             2
 #5:        57             2
 #6:        56             3
 #7:        56             3
 #8:        56             3
 #9:        59             4
#10:        59             4
#11:        56             3

Or using dplyr :

df$group_desired <- group_indices(df, group_old)

To get a similar result as above, we first define the factor levels for group_old :

df$group_old <- factor(df$group_old, levels = unique(df$group_old))
df$group_desired <- group_indices(df, group_old)

Note : group_indices assigns group numbers based on ascending order (in case of numbers) or factor level (if the variable used is factor).

I am not sure about performance, but you could try recode from the new version of dplyr package:

df$group_desired <-
  dplyr::recode(df$group_old, `58` = 1, `57` = 2, `56` = 3, `59` = 4)

A more general data.table approach.

dt1 <- data.table(old = LETTERS[1:6], new = 1:6)

dt2 <- data.table(old = sample(LETTERS[1:6], 6, replace = TRUE))

setkey(dt1, old)
setkey(dt2, old)

#    old new
# 1:   A   1
# 2:   B   2
# 3:   C   3
# 4:   D   4
# 5:   D   4
# 6:   D   4
# 7:   D   4
# 8:   E   5
# 9:   F   6

I discovered another Base R way that's a bit faster than my original:

df <- within(df, { group_new <- as.numeric(as.factor(df$group_old)) }  )
df <- within(df, { group_new <- match(group_new, unique(group_new)) }  )

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