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LaunchScreen not working for different devices


I'm trying to make my LaunchScreen.storyboard work for every device, from iPhone 4 to iPad Pro. This way, I created 3 resolutions images:

launchScreen@3x = 1366x1024 (iPad Pro/maximum size)
launchScreen@2x = 911x683 (1366*2/3 x 1024*2/3)
launchScreen = 455x341 (1366*1/3 x 1024*1/3)

but when I add them to the project and add missing constraints, they won't work proberly, as you can see below.


I know that I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I've searched in many places, but couldn't find anything. Is there anything I can do to make this work?

Thanks in advance,

First if all remove all constraint from your image view.

After that set your imageView content mode to Scale To Fill .

Then give constraint to your imageView like this:


And your result will be:


And here is your sample code for more info.

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