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Adding custom brush handles in D3 V4?

I'm trying to add some custom elements to the handles of a brush in a D3 project I'm working on — the desired final result is here — and I've been stymied by D3 V4's move from <g> elements for brush handles to <rect> elements. The V4 docs say that you can add, remove, or modify the brush handles using the .handle--* class, but I haven't been able to get that to work. For example, when I invoke:

const brushContainer = d3.select('#brushContainer');
  .attr('class', 'handle handle--w');

I get the following error:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'd.type')

Note that I wouldn't necessarily expect the above code to work, but I haven't been able to find any working examples, or any clues in the docs or the source.

Edit: I just had the idea of appending the required <g> s independently, then changing their x attributes to d3.event.selection on brush . I'd like to be able to use the <g> s as handles, and this approach leaves them without click handlers, but if this is the Canonical Right Answer, I'll just go ahead and do that.

Yes, you are supposed to add and position the handles independently with the brush event.


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