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Commit index in IntelliJ IDEA?

When using Git with IntelliJ IDEA, pressing Ctrl+K (for VCS Commit Changes...), it shows that what it's about to commit are all the changes, not just what's in the index.

I couldn't seem to find anywhere where it's possible to commit only the index so as of now I'm forced to use CLI's git commit command without -a to commit only the index.

By the way if you do a Stash within the IDE, it does give you a checkbox for whether you want to keep the index, so there is an example of the use of indexes in the IDE.

How can committing be done by only committing the index?

So, you got a set of files which are already tracked. Now, when you do git status these files are marked as modified . At this stage these files are NOT staged. If you run git commit -am "<commit message>" , you will bypass staging and commit ALL files taht git system has knowledge of.

In order to keep index and stash everything else

git stash save --keep-index 

The above will cause staging area NOT to be stashed. Then you can just run your usual git commit -m "<commit msg>"

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