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In Rails how can I change the display method of my drop down list?

I'm using Simple Forms in Rails 4.2. I have the following date selector for birth dates on my form page. I want to display the months in the selector drop down list in the following format, 1-January , 2-February , 3-March ... Instead of January , February , March . How can I do this?

<%= f.input :birth_date, as: :date, start_year: Time.now.year - 15, end_year: Time.now.year - 75,
        order: [:month, :day, :year], default: nil, label: false, include_blank: true,
        input_html: { style: 'margin: 15px 0px; display: inline-block; width: 110px;' } %>


  1. add_month_numbers: true
  2. month_format_string: "%<number>02d-%{name}"

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