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Notepad++ Find and Replace with Regex

This is my coding:

alpha = ["first", 55, 28]
beta  = ["second", 89, 09]
gamma = ["third", 99, 40]

And this is my intended outcome:

first", 55, 28]
second", 89, 09]
third", 99, 40]

I've tried replace the regex of ^.*?" with empty. But why I get this instead?:

, 55, 28]
, 89, 09]
, 99, 40]

Find and replace with ^.*?\\["


alpha = ["first", 55, 28]
beta  = ["second", 89, 09]
gamma = ["third", 99, 40]


first", 55, 28]
second", 89, 09]
third", 99, 40]

The problem with ^.*?" is that it's replacing all the content one by one

  1. You're starting with this content

     alpha = ["first", 55, 28] beta = ["second", 89, 09] gamma = ["third", 99, 40] 
  2. After first replace (as expected), the content becomes this,

     first", 55, 28] beta = ["second", 89, 09] gamma = ["third", 99, 40] 
  3. Now, in the next replace, the cursor is still at the start of the line. Notice that there is one more double quote " in this line (just after the text first ), thus the RegEx is matched again and so it will again replace everything before the first double quote

     , 55, 28] beta = ["second", 89, 09] gamma = ["third", 99, 40] 
  4. When you continue in this manner, you'll get the output as:

     , 55, 28] , 89, 09] , 99, 40] 

And so use ^.*?\\[" instead of ^.*?"


If there are any chances that you have arrays inside your parent array, then you can use ^.*?\\=\\s*\\[\\s*" .
This regex will also deal with whitespace character.


alpha = ["first", 55, 28]
beta  =   ["second", 89, 09]
gamma =      ["third", 99, 40]
delta = ["fourth", ["55"], 28]

After replace

first", 55, 28]
second", 89, 09]
third", 99, 40]
fourth", ["55"], 28]

Use this regex:


The quantity in parenthesis is called a capture group , because its contents will be captured for each line in your file for which the replace operation is run. You want to retain this captured material, so use a replacement of \\1 in the dialog box.

Here is a screen capture of how to use it:


you could try this .*=\\s?\\[ . of course all setting as @TimBiegeleisen showed.

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